Top 10 Hypoallergenic Dog Breeds for Allergy Sufferers

For dog lovers who also happen to be allergy sufferers, finding a compatible furry friend can be challenging. Allergies to pet dander are common, leading many to believe that owning a dog may be out of the question. However, there’s good news: some dog breeds are considered hypoallergenic, meaning they produce fewer allergens than others. In this guide, we’ll explore the top 10 hypoallergenic dog breeds, their characteristics, and why they might be suitable for allergy sufferers.

Top 10 Hypoallergenic Dog Breeds for Allergy Sufferers

1. Poodle

Poodles are renowned for their hypoallergenic qualities, thanks to their tightly curled, non-shedding coat. Available in three sizes—standard, miniature, and toy—Poodles are highly intelligent, trainable, and affectionate companions. Their coats require regular grooming to prevent matting and maintain their hypoallergenic properties. 


the Poodle is celebrated for its sharp intellect and trainability, excelling in obedience, agility, and therapy work. With its playful nature and affectionate temperament, the Poodle forms strong bonds with its human family, often displaying a keen sense of loyalty and devotion. Whether frolicking in the park or strutting in the show ring, the Poodle consistently captivates with its grace, charm, and unmistakable flair.

2. Bichon Frise

The Bichon Frise is a small, cheerful breed known for its fluffy, hypoallergenic coat. Their curly fur minimizes shedding and dander, making them suitable for allergy sufferers. Bichons are playful, sociable dogs that thrive on human companionship, making them ideal for families and individuals seeking a hypoallergenic companion with a lively personality.

Bichon Frise

Their friendly demeanor and sociable temperament make them excellent companions for people of all ages, including children and the elderly. Despite their small stature, Bichon Frises are surprisingly sturdy and energetic, enjoying playful romps and interactive activities with their owners.

3. Maltese

Maltese dogs have long, silky coats that shed minimally and produce less dander, making them a popular choice for allergy sufferers. Despite their small size, Maltese dogs are bold, affectionate, and eager to please. Regular grooming is essential to prevent matting and maintain the Maltese’s hypoallergenic coat.


Their gentle and affectionate disposition makes them ideal pets for families, singles, and seniors alike. Additionally, Maltese dogs are known for their intelligence and adaptability, excelling in various roles such as therapy work, obedience competitions, and simply being devoted companions. 

4. Shih Tzu

Shih Tzus are known for their luxurious, hypoallergenic coats that require regular grooming to prevent tangling and matting. Their long, flowing fur sheds minimally and produces less dander, making them suitable for allergy sufferers. Shih Tzus are affectionate, outgoing dogs that thrive on human companionship, making them excellent family pets.

Shih Tzu

Shih Tzus are known for their intelligence and eagerness to please, making them relatively easy to train and enjoy engaging in activities such as obedience, agility, and therapy work. With their gentle nature and undeniable charm, Shih Tzus bring joy and companionship to all who have the pleasure of sharing their lives with these beloved dogs.

5. Portuguese Water Dog

As the name suggests, Portuguese Water Dogs have water-resistant coats that shed minimally and produce less dander, making them hypoallergenic. Originally bred to assist fishermen, Portuguese Water Dogs are intelligent, athletic, and highly trainable. They require regular exercise and mental stimulation to thrive, making them suitable for active individuals and families.

Portuguese Water Dog

the Portuguese Water Dog is renowned for its intelligence and eagerness to please, excelling in obedience training and various canine sports. Its friendly and outgoing nature makes it well-suited to family life, forming strong bonds with adults and children alike.

6. Schnauzer

Schnauzers come in three sizes—standard, miniature, and giant—and are known for their distinctive beards and eyebrows. Their wiry, hypoallergenic coats shed minimally and produce less dander, making them suitable for allergy sufferers. Schnauzers are intelligent, loyal dogs that excel in various canine sports and activities. 


Schnauzers thrive on human companionship and are known for forming strong bonds with their owners. With their playful spirit and lively disposition, Schnauzers bring joy and laughter to their households, making them cherished members of the family.

7. Basenji

Basenjis are unique among dog breeds for their barkless nature and fastidious grooming habits. Their short, hypoallergenic coats require minimal grooming and shed very little, making them suitable for allergy sufferers. Basenjis are independent, energetic dogs that form strong bonds with their families but may exhibit aloofness towards strangers.

This breed is incredibly agile and possesses remarkable speed, making it an adept hunter and an engaging companion. With its curious and playful nature, the Basenji thrives in an environment where it can exercise both its body and mind, making it a cherished member of many households worldwide.

8. Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier

The Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier boasts a soft, hypoallergenic coat that sheds minimally and produces less dander, making them suitable for allergy sufferers. They are playful, affectionate dogs that require regular grooming to maintain their coat’s texture and prevent matting. Wheatens are adaptable to various living environments and enjoy participating in activities with their families.

Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier

this breed thrives on interaction and enjoys participating in various activities with its human companions, whether it’s a lively game of fetch or a leisurely stroll in the park. Intelligent and eager to please, the Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier responds well to training and socialization, making it a versatile and adaptable pet for households of all kinds.

9. Italian Greyhound

Italian Greyhounds are sleek, elegant dogs with short, hypoallergenic coats that shed minimally and produce less dander. Despite their fragile appearance, Italian Greyhounds are resilient, affectionate companions that thrive on human interaction. They are well-suited to apartment living but require regular exercise to maintain their physical and mental well-being.

Italian Greyhound

the Italian Greyhound is a quick learner and excels in various canine sports, including agility and obedience. While they may be sensitive to cold due to their short coat, their warm personalities and unwavering devotion make them cherished companions in households around the world.

10. Yorkshire Terrier

Yorkshire Terriers, or Yorkies, are small, spirited dogs with long, hypoallergenic coats that shed minimally and produce less dander. They are bold, confident dogs with a big personality, despite their small size. Yorkies require regular grooming to keep their coat healthy and prevent matting. They are well-suited to apartment living and enjoy spending time with their families. 

Yorkshire Terrier

the Yorkshire Terrier thrives in various environments, from bustling city apartments to spacious suburban homes, leaving an indelible mark on the hearts of all who are fortunate enough to share their lives with these delightful dogs.


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