Top 10 Quietest Dog Breeds for Peace and Calm at Home

Bringing a dog into your home can be a joyful experience, but for some, the noise level associated with certain breeds can be a concern. Whether you live in an apartment building with thin walls or simply prefer a more serene environment, opting for a quieter breed can make all the difference. In this guide, we’ll explore the top 10 quietest dog breeds known for their peaceful and calm demeanor.

Top 10 Quietest Dog Breeds for Peace and Calm at Home

1. Basenji

Originating from Africa, the Basenji is often referred to as the “barkless dog” due to its unique vocalization. Instead of barking, Basenjis make a distinctive yodel-like sound, which is significantly quieter than traditional barking.


While they may not be completely silent, their vocalizations are much less intrusive, making them suitable for those seeking a quieter companion.

2. Greyhound

Renowned for their speed and grace, Greyhounds are surprisingly quiet dogs. Despite their athleticism, they are generally laid-back and reserved, preferring lounging on the couch to excessive barking.


Greyhounds are well-suited for apartment living and make excellent companions for those seeking a low-key lifestyle.

3. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

With their gentle demeanor and affectionate nature, Cavalier King Charles Spaniels are beloved for their quiet disposition.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

While they may bark occasionally to alert their owners, they are not known for excessive vocalization. Their small size and adaptable nature make them ideal for apartment dwellers and families alike.

4. Bernese Mountain Dog

Despite their large size, Bernese Mountain Dogs are surprisingly quiet and mellow. Known for their calm and gentle temperament, they rarely bark without reason.

Bernese Mountain Dog

While they require ample space due to their size, their peaceful nature makes them well-suited for suburban or rural environments.

5. Shiba Inu

Originating from Japan, the Shiba Inu is a spirited yet relatively quiet breed. While they are independent and sometimes aloof, they are not prone to incessant barking.

Shiba Inu

Shiba Inus are ideal for active individuals seeking a quiet companion with a touch of spunk.

6. Newfoundland

Newfoundlands are gentle giants known for their calm demeanor and affectionate nature. Despite their massive size, they are remarkably quiet and rarely bark unnecessarily.

Newfoundland dog

Their laid-back attitude and love for companionship make them excellent family pets, especially for those with ample space and a tranquil environment.

7. Whippet

Similar to Greyhounds, Whippets are quiet, low-maintenance dogs that prefer lounging to barking. While they have bursts of energy when outdoors, they are typically quiet and reserved indoors.

Whippet dog

Whippets thrive in homes with a relaxed atmosphere and make wonderful companions for individuals seeking a peaceful coexistence.

8. Bulldog

Despite their intimidating appearance, Bulldogs are known for their gentle disposition and minimal barking.


While they may snore due to their unique facial structure, they are not prone to excessive vocalization. Bulldogs are well-suited for apartment living and make loyal companions for individuals seeking a low-energy, quiet breed.

9. Basset Hound

With their soulful eyes and laid-back demeanor, Basset Hounds are renowned for their calm and gentle nature.

Basset Hound

While they may howl on occasion, they are generally quiet and well-mannered indoors. Basset Hounds are ideal for families and individuals seeking a quiet, affectionate companion.

10. Borzoi

Originating from Russia, the Borzoi is a quiet and dignified breed known for its elegant appearance and calm demeanor.


While they require regular exercise, they are typically quiet and reserved indoors. Borzois are well-suited for experienced dog owners seeking a quiet yet majestic companion.


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3. 10 Dog Breeds That Are Excellent Swimmers

4. The 10 Best Small Dog Breeds for Apartment Living

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