Indian Pariah Dog Price in India 2024 | Desi Dog

In a country known for its diverse culture, landscapes, and traditions, there exists a remarkable canine companion that has stood the test of time – the Indian Pariah Dog. Also known as the Desi Dog or the Indian Native Dog, this breed has been an integral part of Indian communities for centuries.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore everything you need to know about the Indian Pariah Dog – from its origins, Indian Pariah Dog price and characteristics to its role in Indian society and the unique qualities that make it a cherished member of countless households.

Indian Pariah Dog Price in India

The price of an Indian Pariah Dog in India can vary significantly, ranging from being very affordable to sometimes being offered for adoption at local shelters for nominal fees. On average Indian Pariah Dog price ranges from Rs 2,000 to Rs 10,000.

Factors Affecting the Price of Indian Pariah Dog

Lineage and Pedigree: While Indian Pariah Dogs are known for their natural evolution, some breeders may claim specific lineage or pedigree, impacting the price.

Geographical Location: Prices may differ based on the region or city due to varying demand, availability, and local economic factors.

Vaccination and Healthcare: Dogs with up-to-date vaccinations and healthcare may be priced slightly higher to reflect the costs incurred by the breeder.

Breeder Reputation: Reputable breeders who prioritize the health and well-being of the dogs may charge more for their puppies.

Age and Training: Puppies or dogs with basic training may be priced higher, reflecting the additional effort and time invested by the breeder.

Appearance and Coat Color: Unique coat colors or distinctive physical traits may influence the price, although Indian Pariah Dogs are primarily valued for their natural appearance.

Registration: Some breeders may offer registration, which could impact the price. However, it’s essential to note that Indian Pariah Dogs are not officially recognized by kennel clubs.

Overview of Indian Pariah Dog

Origins and History 

The Indian Pariah Dog, also known as the Desi Dog, boasts a rich and ancient history deeply intertwined with the cultural fabric of India. This breed’s origins can be traced back thousands of years, evolving alongside human settlements on the Indian subcontinent.

Revered for their adaptability and resilience, these dogs naturally thrived in diverse climates, earning them the title of one of the oldest and most pure breeds.

The Indian Pariah Dog has been an integral part of rural and urban communities, serving as loyal companions, guardians, and even participating in religious ceremonies.

This breed’s history reflects a harmonious coexistence with humans throughout the ages, solidifying its status as a cultural icon in India.


The Indian Pariah Dog showcases a distinctive appearance characterized by its medium-sized, well-proportioned body. With pricked ears and a high-set tail, these dogs exude an alert and agile demeanor.

Pariah Dog Price

Their short, dense coat comes in various colors, including brown, black, fawn, and cream. What sets them apart is the diversity in physical traits, a result of their adaptation to different geographical regions across India.

This breed’s unaltered appearance is a testament to its natural evolution, free from the influence of selective breeding. The Indian Pariah Dog’s physical characteristics not only reflect its historical journey but also contribute to its charm as a beloved and unique companion.

Temperament and Activities

Renowned for their intelligence and loyalty, the Indian Pariah Dog possesses a temperament that makes them excellent companions. Their independent nature is balanced by a deep sense of loyalty and affection towards their human families.

These dogs are quick learners, making them adept at various activities and commands. Known for their alertness, they naturally excel as watchdogs, offering protection to their homes and families.

Despite their independent streak, Indian Pariah Dogs thrive on social interaction and form strong bonds with their owners. Their adaptability is evident in their ability to seamlessly transition between rural and urban environments.

Whether as a devoted family pet, a guardian, or a playmate, the Indian Pariah Dog’s temperament and activities reflect a versatile and cherished canine companion deeply embedded in the heart of Indian society.

Personality and Behavior

The Indian Pariah Dog’s personality is a delightful mix of intelligence, loyalty, and adaptability, making it a cherished companion in households across India. These dogs are known for their alert and watchful nature, making them excellent watchdogs.

Despite their natural independence, they form deep bonds with their human families, showcasing a loyal and affectionate temperament. Intelligent and quick learners, Indian Pariah Dogs adapt well to various living environments, thriving in both rural and urban settings.

Their versatility extends to their playful and social behavior, making them not only vigilant protectors but also delightful and engaging companions. The Indian Pariah Dog’s amiable personality, rooted in centuries of coexistence with humans, makes it a unique and beloved member of many households.

Health Issues of Indian Pariah Dog

The Indian Pariah Dog is renowned for its robust health, a result of its natural evolution and lack of selective breeding. However, like all breeds, they may be susceptible to certain health issues. It’s essential for owners to be aware of these potential concerns:

Skin Conditions: Due to their short coat, Indian Pariah Dogs may be prone to skin issues, such as allergies or infections. Regular grooming and a balanced diet can help mitigate these concerns.

Tick and Flea Infestations: Their outdoor lifestyle may expose them to parasites. Routine check-ups and preventive measures are crucial to maintaining their well-being.

Hip Dysplasia: While less common, some individuals may be predisposed to hip dysplasia. Providing a diet rich in joint-supporting nutrients can aid in preventing this condition.

Dental Health: Like many dogs, Indian Pariah Dogs may face dental issues. Regular dental care, including brushing and dental chews, is important for their oral hygiene.

Eye Conditions: Some individuals may be prone to certain eye conditions. Regular veterinary check-ups can help detect and address these issues early.

Maintenance Cost of Indian Pariah Dog

Owning an Indian Pariah Dog is not only a joy but also a relatively economical choice in terms of maintenance costs. Here are five points to consider:

Pariah Dog Price

Low Grooming Expenses: Their short coat requires minimal grooming, reducing the need for frequent trips to professional groomers.

Nutritious Diet: A balanced and nutritious diet tailored to their needs is essential for their well-being. However, the cost of feeding an Indian Pariah Dog is typically reasonable.

Routine Veterinary Care: Regular veterinary check-ups are essential for preventive care. While veterinary expenses are a consideration, the overall health of the breed often reduces the frequency of medical interventions.

Exercise and Play: Indian Pariah Dogs thrive on regular exercise and mental stimulation. Engaging them in play and outdoor activities is cost-effective and contributes to their overall health.

Basic Supplies: The breed’s adaptability means that they do not require extravagant accessories. Basic supplies such as a comfortable bed, food and water bowls, and a few toys are usually sufficient.

Care Tips for Indian Pariah Dog


Grooming an Indian Pariah Dog is relatively straightforward due to their short coat. Regular brushing helps keep their coat clean and minimizes shedding. Bathing should be done as needed, avoiding excessive washing to preserve their skin’s natural oils.

Routine checks for ear cleanliness, dental health, and nail trimming contribute to their overall grooming. These low-maintenance grooming practices ensure the Indian Pariah Dog remains healthy, comfortable, and aesthetically pleasing without the need for elaborate grooming sessions.

Training and Exercise Requirements

Indian Pariah Dogs are intelligent and respond well to positive reinforcement training. Early socialization is essential to ensure they are well-behaved and comfortable in various situations. Regular exercise is crucial for their physical and mental well-being.

Engaging in activities like walks, playtime, and agility exercises helps channel their energy positively, preventing boredom-related behaviors. Consistent training and exercise foster a well-behaved and content Indian Pariah Dog, making them an enjoyable addition to any household.

Diet and Nutrition 

A well-balanced and nutritious diet is paramount for the health of an Indian Pariah Dog. Providing a mix of high-quality commercial dog food and fresh, dog-safe human foods supports their overall nutrition.

The diet should be tailored to their age, size, and activity level. Regular access to fresh water is essential to prevent dehydration. Monitoring their weight and adjusting their diet accordingly helps prevent obesity-related health issues.

Consulting with a veterinarian for personalized dietary recommendations ensures the Indian Pariah Dog receives the nutrients necessary for a healthy and vibrant life.


Early socialization is key to developing the Indian Pariah Dog’s well-rounded temperament. Exposure to various people, environments, and other animals helps prevent shyness or aggression.

Positive interactions during the puppy stage lay the foundation for a sociable and friendly adult dog. Incorporating regular socialization activities, such as visits to parks or interactions with other pets, ensures they remain confident and adaptable throughout their lives.

Socialization not only enhances their behavior but also strengthens the bond between the Indian Pariah Dog and their human family.

Lifespan of Indian Pariah Dog

Indian Pariah Dogs have a commendable lifespan, typically ranging from 12 to 16 years. This longevity is attributed to their natural resilience and adaptability. To ensure a healthy and fulfilling life, providing proper veterinary care, a balanced diet, regular exercise, and a loving environment are essential. 

Facts about Indian Pariah Dog

1. Ancient Heritage: The Indian Pariah Dog is one of the oldest and purest breeds, with a lineage that spans thousands of years.

2. Natural Evolution: Unlike many breeds, the Indian Pariah Dog evolved naturally without selective breeding, contributing to its robust health.

3. Adaptability: This breed is highly adaptable, thriving in diverse climates and environments across the Indian subcontinent.

4. Versatile Roles: Indian Pariah Dogs traditionally served as watchdogs and companions, playing essential roles in Indian communities.

5. Minimal Grooming: Their short coat requires minimal grooming, making them an easy-to-care-for breed.

6. Loyal Companions: Known for their loyalty, Indian Pariah Dogs form deep bonds with their human families.

7. Intelligence: They are intelligent and quick learners, making them responsive to training and commands.

8. Budget-Friendly: The breed is cost-effective to maintain, with minimal grooming needs and reasonable dietary requirements.

9. Social Animals: Early socialization is crucial, as Indian Pariah Dogs are social animals that thrive on positive interactions.

10. Longevity: With proper care, Indian Pariah Dogs often have a longer lifespan, providing years of companionship and joy.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is an Indian Pariah Dog?

The Indian Pariah Dog, also known as the Desi Dog, is an ancient and indigenous breed that has evolved naturally in the Indian subcontinent. It is considered one of the oldest and purest dog breeds with a lineage spanning thousands of years.

How is the Indian Pariah Dog different from other breeds?

Unlike many dog breeds that have undergone selective breeding, the Indian Pariah Dog has evolved naturally. This breed showcases a diverse range of physical traits and is known for its adaptability to various climates and environments.

Are Indian Pariah Dogs good with children and other pets?

Yes, Indian Pariah Dogs are known for their friendly and social nature. With early socialization, they can form strong bonds with children and get along well with other pets in the household.

Can Indian Pariah Dogs live in apartments?

Yes, Indian Pariah Dogs are adaptable to various living environments, including apartments. Regular exercise and mental stimulation are important to keep them happy and healthy, regardless of the living space.

What is the bite force of an Indian Pariah Dog?

The bite force of an Indian Pariah Dog is not precisely measured, but like many dogs, it varies individually. It is generally considered to be in line with medium-sized breeds and is not known for exceptionally high bite force.

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